1918 Farmers' Directory - T
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Tabbert, Walter (Hazel Storm) Ch Clayton; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec20
T120a Clinton Storm (1890) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge
Tabbert, William (Caroline Boldt) Ch Lester, Mayme, Wallace, Eddie, Elmer,
*Walter; Herborn Rl Big Spring O33a Prairie Sec22 T130a O. F. Rencher (1864)
Mutual Tel. Strasburg
Tabor, Charlie (Florence Raymer) Ch Mary; Oconee Rl Oconee SecSS T160a
Chester Tabor (1903) Mutual Tel. Oconee
Tabor, Chester F. (Blanche Hare) Ch Lawrence; "Meadow Brook Farm" Oconee Rl
Oconee Secl9 TlOOa J. X. Wilson (1905) Mutual Tel. Oconee
Tabor, Homer, (Hattie Smart) Oconee Rl Oconee SecSS T160a Chester Tabor
Tabor, H. C. (Nellie M. Hall) Ch Margaret, Louise; Tower Hil R2 Rural Sec24
T200a Andrew Heminger (1915) Bell Tel. Tower Hill
Taniges, Fred (Caroline Franagohr) Ch Ferdinand, *Tony, *Joseph; Herrick R2
Oconee Secl2-13 O80a (1889) Tel. Herrick
Taniges, Tony H. (Bessie Frailey) Ch Ines Helen; Herrick R2 Oconee Secl2-13
T80a Fred Taniges (1888) Tel. Herrick
Tankersley, Warren (Eva Osborn) Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec30 O50a T65a
James Osborne (1914) Mutual Tel. Assumption
Tate Mary E. Ch Wellington H., *Raymond F., *William G., *Florella, *Myrtle,
*May; Cowden R2 Lakewood Secl2 T80a Finks Est. (1918) Mutual Tel. Cowden
Tate, T. L. (Orph Friesner) Ch Inez, Lois, Harley, Clarence, Clifford;
Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec24 Farm Hand Fox Est. (1883) Mutual Tel.
Taylor, Frank (Sallie Mansfield) Ch Cecil, Calvin, Bessie, Dorothy, Frank,
Opal, Luther, Minnie, Volley, *Ollie; Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secl4 O79a
T140a Ben Kerr (1896)
Taylor, Joseph (Pearl Ginger) Ch Forrest, Vernota; Cowden Rl Dry Point Sec7
TlOOa W. M. Taylor (1883) Mutual Tel. Cowden
Taylor, Margaret (Margaret Leathers) Ch John Bixler, *Bernice, *Paul, *Jude;
Mode Rl Holland Sec26 O28Qa (1855) Holland Tel. Mode
Taylor, Thomas M. (Pearl Chapman) Ch Wayne, Evelyn, Dorothy, Thomas, Jr.,
James; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec34 T160a J. M. * Chapman (1911) Mutual
Tel. Assumption
Telgmann, Ida (Ida Bauer) Ch Erwin, Edna; Strasburg Rl Richland Sec25
O120a (1878) Mutual Tel. Strasburg
Temmen, Gerry H. (Hellen Jannink) Ch Wilhelmine; "The Old Farm" Oconee Rl
Oconee Sec28-33 O160a (1889) Mutual Tel. Oconee
Temmen, Henry (Mary Catherine Flesch) Ch Richard, Wilhelmina, Frank H.,
Ormond B.; "Ash Grove Stock Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec3 O120a (1873) Mutual
and Bell Tels. Oconee
Temman, J. B. (Wilhelmina Winghermuhle) Ch Henry, Elizabeth, Mary, Gerry,
Cecelia; "The Old Homestead" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec28 O160a (1868) Mutual Tel.
Templeton, Roy F. (Edna Robison) Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec4 T196a Mary Voris
(1891) Mutual Tel. Windsor
Templeton, W. F. (Sarah J .Hart) Ch Fay, May, Ruby, *Roy F. ; Gays R2 Ash
Grove Sec4 O159a (1857) Mutual Tel. Windsor
Tendler, L. F. (Malinda Meyer) Ch Lawrence, Harold; Shelbyville R6
Shelbyville Secl2 T197a T. M. Lyman (1885) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville
Terry, Clarence (Letha Krieg) Strasburg R2 Prairie Sec3 T160a Lara Kennedy
(1903) Mutual Tel. Strasburg
Terry, G. W. (Susan Evans) Ch Ralph, *Mary, *Clarence; Strasburg R3 Richland
Sec34 O80a (1904) Mutual Tel. Strasburg
Tetrick, Sell (Mary Price) Ch May, Loreta, Evelyn, *Glen, *John; Oconee R2
Oconee Sec30 T80a Mrs. Lehn (1917) Mutual Tel. Oconee
Thacker, Fred (Ruth McCoy) Ch Carl; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec3 Farm Hand
Joe White (1913)
Thomas, E. M. (Maggie Moore) "Hickory Grove Farm" Cowden Dry Point SecS O30a
Thomas, Milo (Pearl Groves) 'Ch Milo, Estelle, Arlie, Lester; Cowden R2 Dry
Point Sec9 T7a Leo Hanes (1888)
Thomas, William N. Ch Ruth M., Willard A., *Gertrude; Macon R3 Moweaqua
Sec21 TlOOa Amanda Porter (1900) Independent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua
Thomas, W. E. (Nancy Doughit) Ch Ella, *Cora; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville
Secl3 O30a (1854) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville
Thomas, W. R. (Mary Smith) Ch James, Leona, Laurel, Clara; Moweaqua R5
Pickaway Secl9 O262a (1866) Mutual Tel. Westervelt
Thompson, A. W. (Nellie M. Stretch) Ch Lucile M.; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec35
T4a G. L. Miller (1893) Bell Tel., Tower Hill
Thompson, E. L. (Viana Pease) Ch Raymond, Otto; Shelbyville R7 Holland SecS
O43a (1868) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville
Thompson, John (Sarah Strow) Ch Fay, John, Manda, Ruth, Mildred, Pauline,
Eva, Charley, Ethel, George; "Thompson's Truck Farm" Mode Rl Holland Sec3
O7a (1868)
Thompson J. H. (Blanche Burns) Ch Ralph; Beecher R3 Dry Point Seel T132a
Emma Thompson (1885) Mutual Tel. Cowden
Thompson, J. W. (Nancy Allison) Ch Rosa, Minnie, Odin, Levi, Willie, Pearl,
Stella, Bertha, Alva; Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Sec24 O20a TlOa Roy Miller
(1878) Bell Tel. Tower Hill
Thompson, Preston (Bessie Maxey) Ch Joyce, Hazel, Elaine; Findlay R3 Todd
Point Sec30 O60a T80a Cyrus Sanner (1883) Tel. Findlay
Thompson, R. N. (Jennie McDaniel) Ch Evelyn, Daisy, Neil; "Cowdenside Farm"
Cowden Dry Point Sec4-29-32-36 OlOOOa (1908) Mutual Tel. Cowden
Thompson, Simon W. (Maude M< Helms) Ch Bert, Chester, Arthur, Edna, Harry,
Louis, Norman, Eva, Lorien; Pana R5 Rural Sec20 T160a Mrs. J. D. Hackenberg
Thompson, Wade (Grace Beck) Ch Loretta, Rosetta, Eva; "Pioneer Farm"
Moweaqua R4 Penn Sec3 O80a T135a S. H. Thompson (1872) Mutual Tels.
Moweaqua, Bethany and Macon
Thompson, W. E. (Grace Walden) Ch Homer; Shelbyville R3 Rose Secl6 T130a
Frank White (1889)
Throckmorton, E. D. (Mabel Turner) Strasburg R3 Richland Sec31 T300a J. A.
Throckmorton (1890) Mutual Tel. Strasburg
Throckmorton, J. A. (Buena Vista Britt) Ch Earl, Carl, Otto; Strasburg R3
Richland Sec31 O481a
(1917) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Throneburg, W. S. (Vannie Farris)
Ch Raymond, Fern, Lillian, Clement, Glen, Ruth; Assumption Rl Flat Branch
Sec35 T160a Ed Spence
(1918) Mutual Tel. Assumption Tice, A. J. (lona Klauser) Ch Jen
nett, Agnes, Rita; Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec2 TllSa M. A. Tice (1885) Mutual
Tel. Shelbyville
Tice, C. E. (Lottie Ruff) Ch LeRue, Leverett; "Prairie Stock Farm"
Shelbyville Rl Shelbyville SecS O130a Rose Secl-2 T450a M. A. Tice (1880)
Mutual Tel. Shelbyville
Tiemann, William (Dora Telgmann) Ch Martin, Philip, Adena, Clara, Henry,
Martha, *Hilda, *Ed.; Strasburg Rl Richland Sec28 OllSa (1873) Mutual Tel.
Tilley, A. Eliza (A. Eliza Payne) Ch Samuel R., *Jennie Robinson, *Lula,
Telley, *Joe, *Lincoln, *William, *Truman, *Ben; "Red Bud Stock Farm" Tower
Hill R2 Rural Sec36 O385a (1853) Bell Tel. Tower Hill
Tilley Fred (Mary Foor) Ch *Goldie, "Lillian; Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring Sec2
O80a (1871) Mutual Tel. Lakewood
Tilley, O. L. (Susie Lockard) Ch Garvin V.; Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Sec26
O160a Margaret Tilley (1888) Bell Tel. Tower Hill
Tilley, Truman (Lora M. Carr) Ch Robert C.; "Morning-glory Farm" Tower Hill
R2 Tower Hill SeclO O80a (1874)
Tilley, W. A. (Hattie M. Austin) Ch John, Gladys, Hazel, Gilbert, Austin,
William, John; Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Sec2 T207a Hamlin Farm (1874) Bell
Tel. Tower Hill
Tipton, W. F. (Harriett Goddard) Windsor R3 Windsor Secl7 O47a T30a
Bumgardner Est. (1874) Tel. Windsor
Tolly, Charles (May Weakly) Ch Willis, Evelyn; Assumption Rl Pickaway
Sec31 T80a John Tolby (1891) Mutual Tel. Assumption
Tolly, George W. (Eva F. Housh) Ch Myrtle, Mabel, Roscoe, George; Assumption
Rl Rural Sec4 T240a Urede Johnson (1880) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption
Tolly, John (Rebecca Swartz) Ch Raymond, Merl, Verne, Onita, *Charles,
*Leroy; Moweaqua R2 Pickaway Sec7-8 O120a (1867) Tel. Moweaqua
Tolly, J. S. (Anna M. Bryson) Ch C. Erne, Dale K.; "Johnson Stock Farm"
Assumption Rl Rural Sec6 T200a Johnson Bros. (1875) Mutual and Bell Tels.
Tolly, Roy (Hazel Weakly) Ch Leland; Moweaqua R2 Pickaway Sec7 T120a Cyrus
Weakly (1894) Tel. Moweaqua
Tolly, W. F. (Elizabeth Gordon) Ch *Sylvia; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec28
T160a H. Corzine (1873) Mutual Tel. Assumption
Tolson, R. C. (Hester Smith) Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec21 O120a E. Tolson
Homestead (1881) Independent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua
Torrence, D. A. (Mary J. Nigh) Ch Arnold, Lena, *Ida, "Montana V., *Mary A.;
Cowden Dry Point Sec4-9-3 O217^a (1859) Mutual Tel. Cowden
Townsend, E. M. (Vera Cochran) Ch Robert, Merle, Mervil; Moweaqua R2 Flat
Branch Secl4 T120a C. C. Miller (1878) Mutual Tel. Assumption
Townsend, G. W. (Eliza Miller) Ch Oscar, *Ezra, *CharIes, *Rex, *Ray, *Mary,
"Lottie; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec24 O40a (1863) Mutual Tel. Assumption
Trainor, William (Clara Giles) Ch Kenneth, Warren, Lucile, Hilda,
Gerald; Assumption R5 Flat Branch Sec24 T40a R. Thomas (1871)
Trane, William (Clara Pfeiffer) Strasburg R2 Big Spring Sec6 O71^ T72a Kate
Moberly (1882) Mutual Tel. Strasburg
Travis, G. A. (Ellen Walker) Ch *Effie, Elsie, Ella; "Willow Creek Stock
Farm" Bethany Rl Todd Point SeclS Farm Hand J. D. Bone (1917) Tel. Findlay
Tressler, Mrs. Catherine (Catherine Yencer) Ch Emma, *Leota, Tearl, *James;
Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec6 OlOOa (1867) Mutual Tel. Erickson
Tressler, James V. (Myrtle Curey) Ch Mildred; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Secl9
O80a (1877) Mutual Tel. Windsor
Triece, Lincoln (Alice Allen Compton) Ch Mell, *Pearl, *Mabel, *Bertha,
*Leverett, *Ethel; Mode Clarksburg Secl6 O68a (1856) Holland Tel. Mode
Tripp, C. O. (Ada Hahn) Ch Cecil; Shelbyville R7 Lakewood Seel O32a (1874)
Tripp, Joseph E. (Maude Schinzler) Ch Bernie; "Cedar Lawn Farm" Shelbyville
R7 Clarksburg Sec8 T120a Manager Jim Bradley (1891)
Tripp, W. H. A. (Martha Boling) Ch Mary, *Lizzie, *Josie, *Bell, *Annie,
*Thomas, *Clara, "Joseph; Mabel Tripp, Grandchild; "River View Farm"
Shelbyville R8 Rose Sec35 O60a (1865) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville
Tromontroni, Joe (Julia Brastra) Ch Charles, Louie, Enos; Tower Hill Rl
Tower Hill Secl6 T155a John F. Deal (1918) Eell Tel. Tower Hill
Trout, G. H. (Catharine E. Forsythe) Ch Leo, Glenn, *Ocla; Shelbyville R8
Lakewood Secll O25a (1871) Mutual Tel. Lakewood
Troutman, John W. (Sarah Chanler) Ch Ray; "Winnetka Farm" Shelbyville R8
Lakewood Sec2 O112a (1863) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville
Trueblood, Allen (Roxie Foster) "Golden Home Farm" Stewardson Rl Prairie
Sec4 T160a A. J. Trueblood (1904) Mutual Tel. Stewardson
Trueblood, A. J. (Hannah Thompson) Ch Elma, Goldie, *Sophia, *Irven,
*Amanda, *Roxie, * William; Stewardson Rl Prairie O360a (1904) Tel.
Trueblood, C. H. (Eva J. Rockwell) Ch *George I., *Elza, *Daisy; "Maple View
Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec28 O80a (1906) Bell Tel. Tower Hill
Tucker, Bluford (Amanda Angel) Ch Neta, Pauline, Vera, Marie, Raymond,
Floyd; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec21 T250a S. H. Evans (1898) Mutual Tel. Cowden
Tull, J. B. Ch Carrie, Mabel, Lisle, Gerald, Grandson, *Lloyd, *LeRoy;
Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville SeclS T4a W. B. Hudson (1860)
Tull, J. W. Ch William, Earl, Allen, Ray, Nora, Hattie, Mabel, *Munford;
Windsor R4 Windsor Secl9 O30a (1856)
Tull, L. W. (Emma Piker) Ch John, Roy, Bessie, Ray, Eva, Ralph; Windsor R3
Windsor SecS O22j4a (1869) Tel. Windsor
Tull, S. D. (Malinda Walker) Ch Hazel Welch; Windsor R3 Windsor SecS O22^a
(1862) Tel. Windsor
Tull, W. L. (Bertha Giles) Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec4 Farm Hand W. F.
Templeton (1882)
Turner, A. J. (Margaret Perry) Ch Ada, Harry; "Lincoln Hill Farm" Bethany Rl
Todd Point SeclS O260a (1869) Tel. Findlay
Turner, G. R. (Mollie A. Curry) Ch Grace, Mary, Sarah, Eldon G., Oscar,
*Alzuma, *Ray, *Berry, *Bess; "Turner Homestead" Windsor Richland Seel O240a
(1855) Mutual Tel. Windsor
Turner, Mrs. M. F. (Melissa Dayhuff) Ch *Maude, *Mabel, *Bertie, *Edna,
*Grace; Mode Rl Holland Sec4 O80a (1888) Holland Tel. Mode
Turney Abe (Nannie Bell) Findlay Rl Okaw Secll O130a (1859) Tel. Findlay
Turney, Homer (Frankie Clark) Ch M. Clark; Windsor R4 Richland SecS O180a
(1883) Mutual Tel. Windsor
Twiss, C. H. (Alice Cannon) Ch Elva A., Elsten, *Earl McCanic; Tower Hill R3
Tower Hill SeclS O41a (1890) Bell Tel. Tower Hill
Tynan, J. J. (Agnes Welch) Ch Eugene, Vern, Louise, Robert, Cifford, Irene;
Shelbyville R2 Rose Secll T200a D. P. Tynan (1909) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville
