1918 Farmers' Directory - Y
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Yakey, Grant (Lizzie Duddlesten) Ch Jessie, Mervin, *Dallas, *Hazel;
Mode Rl Holland SecS T360a F. F. Yakey (1868) Holland Tel. Mode
Yakey, H. D. (Rose Amlin) Ch Wilna; Shelbyville R9 Shelbyville Sec6 T156a E.
E. Cook (1891) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville
Yakey, Jacob (Rose Mesnard) "Royal Stock Farm" Stewardson R2 Prairie Sec2S
O187^a (1876) Mutual Tel. Stewardson
Yantis, E. B. (Sarah Clay) Ch Ralph. Cyrus. Melvin, Carroll, Ray. Morris;
Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 O198a (1869) Tel. Findlay
Yantis, George (Anna Weekly) Ch Charles. Jeanette. Glenn; Moweaaua Flat
Branch Secl2 O80a (1874) Tel. Moweaqua
Yantis. H. M. (Altona Wright) Findlay Rl Todd Pomt Sec27 T200a B. .N. Wright
and W. M. Pogue Tel. Findlay
Yantis. James (Gussie Biggs) Mrs. Caroline Biggs, Mother-in-Law; Findlav R3
Pickaway Sec28 T180a Mary Yantis and Yantis Est. (1881) Tel. Westervelt
Yantis, Mrs. Mary (Mollie) Ch *Daniel, *Henry, *James, *Cora, *Alma,
"Harley. *Roy; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec28 O80a (1868) Tel. Westervelt
Yarnell, Clair (Mary Larimore) Ch Clyde, Johnnie, Fern; Beecher City R3 Dry
Point Secl4 T60a W. G. Turney' (1891) Mutual Tel. Cowden
Yarnell, David (Sadie Sparks) Ch *Effie. *La\vrence. *Dessie, *Elsie. *
Martha, *David. *Clair. *Grace, *Ethel: Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secl4
OlOOa (1878)
Yencer, M. L. (Fanny Lewis) Ch Ralph. *Hazel: Shelbyville R7 Holland
SecS O43a Shelbyville Sec32 T80a Dr. Bivens (1874) Tel. Mode
York, Charles V. (Lillie Goble) Ch *Horace, ""Stanley, *Harry: Cowden R2
Lakewood Sec28 O7Sa (1913) Mutual Tel. Cowden
Yost, C. M. (Hazel Jenkins) Ch Mildred: Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec26 T160a D.
M. Yost (1886) Tel. Westervelt
Young, E. W. (Belle Smith) Ch Sterling, Robert, Roberta, Merlin, Lley,
Elgin, Smith; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec32 T200a R. N. Thompson (1908) Mutual
Tel. Cowden
Young, G. A. (Louise Falk) Ch Joe, Abe, Lula; Herborn Prairie SeclS O40a
T40a J. J. Folk (1878) Mutual Tels. Strasburg and Stewardson
Young, James H. Ch Edward, Clarence, *Fay, *Garrett, *Ray; Neoga R3 Big
Spring Sec24 O75a (1866)
Young, Samuel (Nellie Ferguson) Ch Marie, Opal, Oma, Edna, Harry, Mabel,
Oscar, Lavern; Neoga R3 Big Spring Secl3 O97a (1875) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge
Young, W. W. (Ada Mallary) Ch Wayne, Thelma; Gays R2 Ash Grove SeclO OllOa
(1914) Mutual Tel. Windsor
Younger, G. E. (Maud Stewart) Ch Mabel, Glenn; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec35
O157a (1898) Tel. Findlay